Wednesday, September 30, 2009


(感谢 Francis 转寄电邮)

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Typing Errors

(Courtesy of forwarded email from Francis)

A daughter sent a telegram (sent via postman) to her father on passing her B.Ed exams, which the father received as "Father, your daughter has been successful in BED."

A husband, while on a business trip to a hill station sent a telegram (someone did this) to his wife, "I wish you were here."

The message received by the wife was "I wish you were her.."

A man wanted to celebrate his wife's Birthday by throwing a party.
So he ordered a birthday cake in a cake shop. The salesman asked him what message he wanted put on the cake.
He thought for a moment and said, put "Getting older but you are getting better".
The salesman asked "How do you want me to put it?"
The man said 'Well...put "You are getting older" at the top and "But you are getting better" at the bottom.'

When the cake was unveiled at the party all the guests were aghast at the message on the cake.
It reads "You are getting older at the top, but you are getting better at the bottom"

Moral of the Story:(We are all guilty one time or another!)

1. Double proof read everything before you send.
2. Don't trust others to write it right for you.
3. Don't order anything esp cakes by telephone.

Monday, September 28, 2009

New Technology you will be impressed

(Courtesy of forwarded email from Francis)

An American, a Japanese, and a Singh were sitting naked in the sauna.

Suddenly there was a beeping sound. The American pressed his forearm and the beeping stopped. The others looked at him questioningly.

"That's my pager," he said, "I have a microchip under the skin of my arm."

A few minutes later a phone rang. The Japanese lifted his palm to his ear.

When he finished he explained, "That's my mobile phone. I have a microchip in my hand.

The Singh felt low-tech and inferior. He didn't know what to do to be as impressive as the American & the Japanese. He decided to take a break in the toilet. When he returned, he didn't realize that there was a piece of toilet paper got stuck and hanging from his ass.

The others raised their eyebrows and said, "Wow! What's that?" Instead of being embarrassed, inspiration struck his mind.

The Singh explained, "I'm getting a FAX."

Are computers Male or Female?

(Courtesy of forwarded email from Francis)

A SPANISH Teacher was explaining to her class that in Spanish, unlike English, nouns are designated as either masculine or feminine.

'House' for instance, is feminine: 'la casa.'
'Pencil,' however, is masculine: 'el lapiz.'

A student asked, 'What gender is 'computer'?'

Instead of giving the answer, the teacher split the class into two groups, male and female, and asked them to decide for themselves whether computer' should be a masculine or a feminine noun. Each group was asked to give four reasons for its recommendation.

The men's group decided that 'computer' should definitely be of the feminine gender ('la computadora'), because:

  1. No one but their creator understands their internal logic; 
  2. The native language they use to communicate with other computers is incomprehensible to everyone else; 
  3. Even the smallest mistakes are stored in long term memory for possible later retrieval; and  
  4. As soon as you make a commitment to one, you find yourself spending half your paycheck on accessories for it.


The women's group, however, concluded that computers should be Masculine ('el computador'), because:

  1. In order to do anything with them, you have to turn them on;
  2. They have a lot of data but still can't think for themselves;
  3. They are supposed to help you solve problems, but half the time they ARE the problem; and
  4. As soon as you commit to one, you realize that if you had waited a little longer, you could have gotten a better model.

The women won.

Send this to all the smart women you know...and all the men that have a sense of humor.

Friday, September 25, 2009

5 simple rules to be happy 快乐的五个简单常规

(Courtesy of forwarded email from Francis)

Hanging Temple in China 江西悬空寺

(Courtesy of forwarded email from Donald (Photo only))

悬空寺位于金龙峡口不远的地方,悬挂在峡谷西侧的翠屏峰山腰。远远望去,神楼仙阁,凌空危挂,丹廊朱户,依岩而栖,真让人以为是神仙的居所。悬空寺始建于北魏,至今已有1500多年的历史,但至今仍然完好,还能让如此多的游人登寺参观,不能不说是一大奇迹。因为寺庙的一半嵌在石壁中,一半悬在半空,靠十几米长的木柱支撑在岩壁上,难怪被人称为“奇、险、巧”的建筑艺术构思。翠屏峰虽突兀直起,但岩壁中部略呈弧形,整个寺院峭立在凹岩之中,而石窟顶峰突出部分像一把天然大伞将整个寺院罩在里边,既避免了风侵雨蚀,又遮挡了太阳曝晒,所以在1500多年以后它还能展示它的雄姿。全寺以木质结构为主,立明柱借岩石暗托,凿洞穴插飞梁为基,它的最高处离谷底百米左右,登到此处,令人惊心骇目。整个寺庙一半悬于岩体之外,下边有一排立柱托住它的外沿,走上悬空寺,用手可以晃动那些木柱,给人一种险中带悬的感觉,其实整个寺庙主要靠插入岩石深处的飞梁支撑,而负荷大的时候,外边的立柱才会实在的起到支撑作用。悬空寺之精巧更是令人叹为观止,在如此狭小的空间,居然具备一般寺庙应有的形制和规模,它也有一个山门,和钟鼓楼。踏上寺庙,给人进入迷宫的感觉,全寺有大小18处殿阁,交错叠折,殿回楼转,一会儿钻天窗,一会儿走飞栈,尽管有路标指示前进方向,你还是会搞不清你到底是从哪条路走过来的。而且一直揪着心,生怕不小心从上面摔到楼下,因为楼梯实在太陡了。最让人称奇的是,在如此狭小的空间寺庙中,却把佛道儒三家的众神都请了进来,这里共有主要殿堂17处,其中佛教11处,道教5处,还有三教合一的1处,历史上,这三家争斗了几千年,而悬空寺却建成了著名的三教殿,使佛、道、儒三家的祖师同居一室。这个三教殿建在悬空寺的最高处,佛祖释迦牟尼端坐其中,道教的鼻祖老子稳居佛祖之右,儒家始祖孔子排列在右上首,这里云集了佛教的信男信女前来朝拜,也有道教的弟子前来问卜讨卦,儒家的子弟也会来朝拜师祖,以期金榜题名。各种信仰的人各敬所尊,互不干涉,使这里成为宗教领域中的一块自由天地。悬空寺中的雕塑石刻都有很珍贵的历史和文物价值.,飞楼内壁上镂刻的三尊大石佛,体态丰满,形象逼真,和大同云冈石窟是同一时代的作品。三官殿的天官、地官、水官塑像也是很具盛名的,它们塑于明初,虽经600多年的风雨,但塑像背后的木雕牡丹却如雨后初绽,被专家门称为“神雕”。双手紧抓扶梯,从狭小的楼窗爬下,走到寺外,不觉松了口气,总算安全“着陆”。顺阶而下,李白题写的“壮观”二字赫然岩石上。据称是大唐开元23年,公元735年,李白游悬空寺,仰望琼楼仙阁,惊愕的竟不只用什么样的诗句来形容,于是在寺下奋笔疾书“壮观”二字,之所以壮字多了一点,后人说,李白原意是比壮观还多一点,不知李白自己作何解释。当年人们为了保留李白手迹刻制了壮观碑,还修了太白祠,可惜解放前祠被毁坏,这里看到的是复制品。那块断碑被保存在恒山文物局中。看完悬空寺,我一直有个疑问,恒山虽多悬崖峭壁,但也并非没有平坦的山谷修建寺庙呀,为什么一定要花如此的功夫,把寺庙建在半空中,要知道这个工程不是一般的大,而且从设计到施工都要冒很大的危险,在建寺的时候肯定也会死不少人的。百思不得其解,请教了当地人,也没有个说法,还是后来查了资料。原来起因与悬空寺下的流水。过去,金龙峡口经常洪水泛滥,每当雨季,洪水从四面涌进峡口,顿时惊涛拍岸,狂滥怒吼,象一条横冲直撞的金龙,猛烈冲击堤岸和崖壁,历史上不知留下了多少悲剧。后来,有位仙长对当地人说,只要在峡谷两侧的悬崖上各修一座寺院,便能把金龙驯服。于是人们不辞辛苦,修建了这个举世闻名的悬空寺。而且在悬空寺对面的岩壁上也曾修过一个“白马寺”,两寺隔峡相对,一定尉为壮观。可惜,寺庙并没有镇住金龙,1939年的一次洪水,把浑源古城变成一片汪洋,淹死4000多人,白马寺也只剩了依稀可辨的痕迹了。解放以后为了制服洪水,在这里修筑了恒山水库。从悬空寺山门口,在峡谷的西边绝壁上,有一钢筋水泥的悬空栈道,共400 多级台阶,蜿蜒向上,让人望而生畏。当你攀登至天梯极顶时,碧波荡漾的高峡平湖所呈现的奇异景致会使你精神为之一振。这里就是工程浩大的恒山水库。凭栏远眺,山水一色,恒山18景尽收眼底。站在这里,看着碧波粼粼,浪袭云岩的,被收服的“金龙”,再回头看那悬空而立的寺庙,心中倒有不少感慨。悬空寺,虽没镇慑住洪水,却留给后人一个非同一般的宝贵遗产。